Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Starting the Garden

This past weekend, we got started on our garden for this year. We use these cool growing boxes called an EarthBox for some of our vegetables. Because of the way these boxes allow the soil to wick water from the contained reservoir, the vegetables can thrive in small spaces.

So far, we have started broccoli, strawberries, and two kinds of lettuce. Soon, we plan to plant several kinds of squash, beans, melons, tomatoes, and maybe corn.

1 comment:

FourMileFarm said...

Be thankful you dont have a pet deer around to eat the contents of those cool little boxes! I just got home from town and PJ had eaten half the little seedlings that I had put out in the sun on the deck. DANGIT!!!
The only reason he didnt eat the other half is because they were still in the kitchen.