Thursday, April 17, 2008

Springing and Bouncing

Bouncing Baby Goats

Surely everyone knows how absolutely adorable baby goats are. We have spent hours being entertained in the past few weeks by their non-stop antics.

The twins have developed what appears to be a new game with the llamas. If the llamas are laying down, the kids just use them like a mountain to climb. When the llamas are standing still, they become big, soft, fuzzy springboards to leap up on and bounce off of! You should see the llamas faces!!! It is really interesting to see how protective all the llamas are of the babies - even when they are literally running underfoot.

The triplets are growing and running like crazy. When they are not chasing around with the twins, they are sticking close with their Momma, Mikki. All of the kids are super friendly and come right up to let us play with them. :)

Two of our guardian dogs, Trina and Emma, have taken to staying with all the babies almost full time. The babies are not afraid to use the dogs as climbing posts either, and the dogs don't seem to mind at all. Such good guardians!!

Milk.... NOW!!!!

Our newest goat addition, Ashlee, is still getting a bottle every day. This past weekend while we were working along the pasture fence, Ashlee apparently decided it was time for a snack... since we appeared to be handy and all. So, while we were working hard, she stood at the fence and told us, in very plain English, "Mmmmmiiiiiillllkkkkkk!" Rob and I just looked at each other and laughed at how clearly she said that! We loved on her a bit and told her it was not snack time. Ha, like that worked! A few minutes later, her "Mmmmmiiiiiillllkkkkkk" plea was back. We about fell over laughing, when abruptly it was followed up with a very clear "NNNOOOOOOWWWW!" What do you say to her then?? :)

Gone Home

This weekend, one of our long-time resident llamas, Kali, went to her new home on Sunday. Kali now has a great new family, including another young llama to keep her company. We feel sure she will thrive on the prolific attention she is sure to get in her new home.

Traveling Calves

Saturday morning, our last two calves from 2007 went to their wonderful new home. Their new Momma came to pick them up. They were so good - we opened the trailer and they literally hopped right in. No fuss, no muss ... guess they knew they had a great new home waiting. :)

Now we have this years calves to look forward to. We have a wait yet - they are no due until mid Summer and beyond.

Still Waiting

We still await more babies due to arrive this Spring! One more goat, Tassie, and one llama, Popo, are due to have their babies soon. Tassie has gotten wider by the day; we are starting to think she may be carrying triplets like Mikki was. With the full moon coming this weekend, and several weather fronts brooding, we expect to see babies arriving by the end of the weekend.

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