Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ophillia's Kids

They're HERE!

Meet Darren ...
and Samantha...

The twins were born on Sunday, March 30. Both babies and Momma, Ophillia, are doing just fine! :)

You can see more pictures on the Our Babies page of our website.

After we were sure the kids had nursed and received good colostrum, we milked Ophillia to relieve some of the pressure. Now we have some valuable colostrom in the freezer! This was our first time to really milk one of our girls and we found our new UdderlyEZ Milker to be a wonderful asset!
I have to admit we were surprised that Ophillia kidded first, but Mikki will not be far behind. Both Mikki and Tassie are due in the next 2 weeks.



As you can see, Mikki is well bagged up (and getting larger daily). Tassie is just starting to make a bag, but it is growing daily as well. These photos were taken Sunday (03/30/08), since then Tassie has progressed tremendously.

Keep watching, more babies arriving soon!

1 comment:

FourMileFarm said...

Oh my goodness, they are adorable!!! I'm so glad you were able to get pics up. They remind me of Ashlee with the white splash on their sides, the frosted ears, and the white AND grey spots! They are really beautiful. Are you going to keep either one?
Tassie and Mikki are huge! Wow, I cant believe Ophellia kidded first. Tassie looks like twins - she's huge for a first freshener. Mikki is even huger!
I'm so glad your milker works great, and you have that valuable colostrum in the freezer.