Friday, January 9, 2009

Upgrading the Hen House

At the end of December, we were able to buy some "real" hen nesting boxes for our chicken coop. These new boxes offer many more nesting cavities than the homemade ones we were using! The hens have taken to these upgraded accommodations without so much as a blink.

To go along with the new nest boxes, we built the flock a brand new "mega perch" to roost on. This structure is large enough to handle not only the current laying hens, but also the 50 new upcoming chicks when they are ready to join the large flock.

This new roost is protected from wind by new clear partition walls on the outer pen, and an overhead tarp. While the chickens roam the ranch during the day, they voluntarily come back to their enclosed pen to lay eggs and at the night to enjoy their rest in safety.

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