Thursday, January 24, 2008


After years of consideration, plotting and planning we finally made the decision to add chickens to our ranch family. On January 13, we brought home a new little flock of 15 hens. Nope, not a rooster in the bunch! :)

Our flock includes 3 Barrred Rocks, 1 Black Sexlink, 2 Buff Orpingtons, 1 Wyandotte, and 8 Sexlinks in a mixture of Reds and Golds. All of these hens should be excellent year-round producers once they start laying eggs. (They were all between 16 and 20 weeks of age when we got them; they should start laying at about 22 weeks of age). The requests for fresh eggs are already coming in! :)

We are continuing to work on getting their formal "hen house" setup (the roof is the last part to be done). For the first few weeks, they are being kept in a chicken yard to ensure they get used to us and our surroundings. Very soon, we will allow them to free-range in a protected part of our ranch so they can enjoy more fresh grass, bugs and natural "goodies". Of course, we do give them a natural feed and oyster shells as well. They are all fat, happy hens.

An update of our main website will be made in the coming weeks, so watch there for more pictures.

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